EUROCONTROL officials have a big role in European construction and more particularly in European air traffic control and their efficacy in their work attracts more and more attacks from anti-Europeans. These attacks are, for the most part, made by competing organizations or people who have always been determined and who still are determined to reduce its subordinate functions.
The FFPE (European Civil Service Federation) is the professional body representing those officials. The FFPE is a non-political professional trade-union; completely independent from external pressure groups. It is not affiliated to any political party.
The FFPE receives no external funding whatsoever!
The FFPE resolutely distances itself from the old and tired trades-unionist model which, historically, only recognized conflictual relations between employer and employee.
We do not subscribe to this outmoded system. We wish to build a model of modern relations between employer and employee by developing dialogue and transparency. We encompass all those who want to be part of a modern trade-unionist concept embracing the reality that each partner has its proper responsibilities. This in no way means that we are ready to abandon our demands.
We seek to obtain the best possible results without crying “victory” every step of the way. Each achievement is no more than a partial result which we can always improve upon. Our fight is that statutory rights and obligations be respected. Since its foundation, the FFPE has been unceasing in working for the European and international civil service.
Why do we have need each other?
Our environment is changing rapidly, respect for individuals in this maelstrom leaves more and more to be desired. Whatever your personal strengths, whatever your professional abilities, you’re not immune from being crushed by external forces. Contrary to practice within our member states, we do not have external structures to which we have recourse in case of need.
EUROCONTROL is an autonomous organization, even if for the moment its statute is aligned with that of the European Commission. The Director General holds all the power in his hands. He has executive powers and to a large extent legislative powers (by promulgating the rules of application and through his control of statutory modification). He is is the sole judicial arbitrational authority. Our only constituted legal recourse is to the Administrative Tribunal of the O.I.T which is a cumbersome administrative organ from which there is no mechanism of appeal.
For the FFPE, it is important that were are numerous. The best way for a trade-union to fight for the interests of its members is through strength and the only measure of that strength is its membership. Members are the vital driving force giving dynamism and efficacy to a trade-union.
What can we offer you
Collectively : the defence of your statutory interests in matters of salaries, pensions, respect of the notion of public service. We must also insist on the application of a real social dialogue policy which just does not exist today. We must be vigilant.
Finally, on an individual basis, we can assist you with advice if you need it, with help from our lawyer if you are lodging a formal complaint or legal action or we can give you personal assistance in your contacts with the hierarchy.