Board of Administrators
Aeronautical engineer, director of several equipment programs before joining Brussels for
As treasurer, he is responsible for the management of our heritage and performs all
Legal background, working on recruitment and performance in DG HR, member of the board of
Work experience in different EU Institutions (EC, Council, EEAS, EP).
Background: legal
Regularly member and sometimes chairperson of Selection Panels for
Senior Active
Good knowledge of the specific situations
of colleagues in DEVCO, NEAR,
Deputy Treasurer
Working in OLAF
Currently participating in a fellowship programme at
Background in law and political sciences. Particular interest in administrative law and
Pascal MILLOT has a scientific background; he holds several French degrees in chemistry,
Administrator of the ASBL and elected member of the LSC Brussels.
A 33-year career devoted half to HR (Human Resources) issues in various DGs, and the
Civil servant since 2005.
Statis exercises the functions of president of the FFPE, since