Pierre Defraigne - 15.3.2017
At this particularly delicate period, prior to the celebration on 25 March on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and in the light of the White Paper that President Juncker has just published, on the development of the European project and its perspectives : "Impasse de l'Europe-marché, Promesse d'une Europe-projet" To inform and stimulate the debate, we have invited: Mr Pierre Defraigne Since 2008, Executive Director of the Madariaga Centre at the Collège d’Europe, Commission official for more than 30 years, Head of cabinet of Commissioners Etienne Davignon and Pascal Lamy, then Deputy Director General in DG Trade WEDNESDAY, 15 March 2017 from 12.45 to 14.45 in the large CCP room in LOI 80 THE CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN FRENCH THE DEBATE WILL BE IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH ALL STAFF OF THE EU INSTITUTIONS ARE WELCOME Please register using the following link: rep pers osp ffpe bruxelles